Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Duck Red and Green Blue


Come inside, it's fun inside!

"Mouseka-hey, mouseka-hi, mouseka-ho! Mouseka-ready, mouseka-set, here we go!"

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse aired from 2006 to 2016, and was the most recent full-length TV show produced by Disney to star its iconic character, Mickey Mouse. The show's format is targeted at pre-school children, and teaches basic skills such as counting, memory and cartoon physics. Other recurring characters are Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy and Pluto. Almost as frequently, episodes feature Clarabelle Cow, Pete the Cat and Professor Ludwig von Drake. At ten years' run, it was the longest-lasting Disney TV show ever when it ended.

The premise of each episode centers on some kind of problem that Mickey has to solve, or event he needs to prepare for. To accomplish these fairly mundane goals, he has a semi-intelligent flying robot called Toodles, who can be summoned from anywhere to produce one of four Mouseketools. He frequently "talks" to the viewers to enlist their help as well, or to demand they count something with him.

In addition to the regular episodes of the show that fill a 30-minute block of programming, a few hour-long episodes have been produced and released on DVD. One example is Mickey's Adventures in Wonderland, which is (oddly enough) about Mickey and Donald trying to find a runaway cuckoo bird... it just happens to take place in Wonderland.

All good things must come to an end, however. This show ended in 2016, 10 years after its debut. Not too long after the series ended its run, Disney premiered a spin-off series called Mickey and the Roadster Racers. However, Clubhouse continues to air in reruns on both Disney Channel and Disney Junior, and it was added to Disney+ at its launch.

This show provides examples of:

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Princess Pete in "Sir Goofs-a-Lot".
  • Adaptational Heroism: Pete, Mickey's rival, here has his antagonistic traits toned down to more of an Anti-Hero role to fit the preschool audience.
  • All-CGI Cartoon
  • Alliterative Name: Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Clarabelle Cow. Several objects, such as the handy helpers, wind up with this naming convention as well.
  • Art Evolution: The character models and animations are much cleaner in post-2007 episodes than they were in the show's first couple of years. What's noticeable is that Pluto's eyelids are darker with shines like in the Classic Disney Shorts, Daisy's has said shines as well, and Mickey and Minnie's ears are spaced up further and farther apart.
  • Artistic License – Ornithology: In "Goofy's Bird", Baby Red Bird is able to fly just moments after hatching. Small birds typically don't start flying until they're about two weeks old.
  • Artistic License – Physics: Several times.
    • In "Pluto's Bubble Bath", Mickey and Pluto get trapped inside bubbles and helplessly float away as a result, defying gravity. In the same episode, the bubbles enter low orbit and Mickey frets because nearby stars might pop the bubbles. They are rescued by their friends in a propeller plane, which is also capable of flying in low orbit. Hot air balloons have been shown to fly this high as well, as shown in "Donald's Big Balloon Race".
    • Mickey and Donald walk on clouds in a Jack and the Beanstalk-themed episode, and Willie the Giant goes on to become a recurring character, resulting in more impossible cloudwalking.
    • Physics go completely out the window when, in "Space Captain Donald", Minnie manages to bounce Pluto's ball all the way to the moon. And Donald does this vice-versa later in the episode.
  • Audience Shift: From previous Mickey projects. This makes sense when you consider that Mickey himself barely appeared in any recent cartoon, making a paradox where kids only knew about him as Disney's iconic mascot... and that's it.
  • Balloonacy: "Daisy in the Sky" has Daisy, Minnie and Pluto carried off by a handful of balloons. Lampshaded by Ludwig declaring "She's broken Newton's law!"
  • Birthday Episode:
    • "Minnie's Birthday" for Minnie.
    • "Mickey's Adventures In Wonderland" for Daisy.
    • "Happy Birthday Toodles" for Toodles.
    • "Mickey's Happy Mouskeday" for Mickey.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: Minnie is the beauty, Daisy is the brains and Clarabelle is the brawn.
  • Call a Rabbit a "Smeerp": In Martian Mickey's world, a hot dog is known as a "yumblatz".
  • Characterization Marches On: In the earliest episodes, like "Mickey Goes Fishing" and "The Big Balloon Race", Pete acts like a huge Jerkass for no reason or provocation. Most episodes now have him as more of a Jerk with a Heart of Gold and one of Mickey's friends whenever he's not playing the Designated Villain.
  • Cheated Angle: Mickey's ears (and Minnie's) are always perfectly head-on to the audience. If you watch closely when they turn their heads, you can even see the ears sliding around on top of their heads to maintain the same perspective. It goes up to eleven if they turn their heads completely around (180 degrees), as the right ear becomes the left ear, and vice versa.
  • The Chew Toy: Donald Duck is usually the one to get hit by a random object such as cake frosting. He sometimes lampshades this by saying "Why does this always happen to me?"
  • Christmas Episode:
    • "Mickey Saves Santa" in Season 1.
    • "Choo-Choo Express" in Season 2.
  • Color-Coded Characters: In almost every episode, Mickey's in the red shorts, Minnie's dressed in pink, Daisy's in purple, Donald's got the blue threads, Pluto's orange, and Goofy's sporting a green hat.
    • Their space outfits are the aforementioned colors.
  • Crazy-Prepared: The Mousekedoer seems to always have the right tools for whatever twists and turns the episode's plot will take later on.
  • Cross-Referenced Titles: "Goofy Baby" and "Goofy Babysitter", with opposite premises. Both with babies.
  • Cute Kitten: Figaro's most recent appearances are in this show.
  • Dance Party Ending: Every episode ends with the main characters doing the Hot Dog dance to a song performed by They Might Be Giants.
  • Didn't Think This Through: In "Quest for the Crystal Mickey", Plunderin' Pete tries to stop the heroes retaking the Crystal Mickey by sealing every exit from his base. Mickey has to point out that he's now trapped himself inside as well.
  • Distaff Counterpart: "Space Adventure" introduces a Girl Toodles working for Pirate Pete.
  • Do-Anything Robot: Toodles has many contraptions built in - for getting around and doing various things - when he's not serving as an iPod for Mouseketools... and never mind the fact that some of those tools springing from Toodles may be as huge as a space rocket.
  • Don't Wake the Sleeper: Some episodes have Mickey try to be quiet to not wake up someone sleeping, usually Pete. Should a Mousketool have to be used in this situation, the usual catchphrases have to be whispered.
  • Early Installment Weirdness:
    • The first season called the Dance Party Ending the "Mouskedance". Seasons 2, 3, and 4 rename it the "Hot Dog Dance".
    • In the first season during the Wrap-Up Song, Mickey does a recap of the Mousketools used in the episode; since Season 2, the protagonist of the episode would thank the viewer.
    • The first season also used a slightly different Mouskedoer sequence, with Toodles being explained by Mickey in a spoken verse rather than as part of the song.
  • Edutainment Show
  • Egopolis: Almost everything is named after Mickey, even if it's nominally someone else's. This is frequently lampshaded by Donald: "It's always about Mickey."
  • Everybody Do the Endless Loop: The Hot Dog dance. The Mousekedoer scenes also have the characters doing the Endless Loop in the background, as evidenced by this scene from the show (Look at everyone except Mickey.)
  • Expositron 9000: The Mousekadoer computer.
  • Evolving Credits: The theme song changes slightly after the second episode, reanimating some parts and having Toodles do a Body Wipe to the logo and title card. It changes again in Season 2 to reflect the new animation style.
  • The Faceless: Toodles, for the first three seasons.
  • Fairy Godmother: Clarabelle plays this role in "Minnie-Rella".
  • Fake Interactivity: The cast frequently ask the audience for help.
  • Female Feline, Male Mutt: Inverted with Bella and Figaro. Of course, there is also Pluto, who is a Male Mutt.
  • Fountain of Youth: "Goofy Baby" sees Goofy accidentally turned into a baby; and in "Goofy Babysitter" all the main characters (EXCEPT Goofy) are turned into babies.
  • Furry Confusion: In the episode, "Donald's Ducks," Donald is shown with normal ducks.
    • To add insult to injury, he is flying an airplane rather than flying like a normal duck alongside the other ducks.
    • Also, Ludwig Von Drake is shown flying using an inflatable jumpsuit rather than like a normal duck.
  • Furry Denial: In another Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode, Donald is shown swimming like a dog or human as opposed to like a duck.
    • Goofy is explicitly referred to as a dog by Willie, but no explanation or even reaction is given for the fact that Pluto is, too.
  • Furry Reminder: For a plethora of characters.
    • Pete is acknowledged to be a cat.
      • In two episodes, Daisy and Minnie toss a ball of yarn to Pete and he gets distracted by it both times.
    • In another episode, Willie calls Mickey, Donald, and Goofy a mouse, a duck, and a dog respectively.
    • Clarabelle's constant "moo" puns.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: Pete (historically an evil character in the classic cartoons) sometimes plays the adversary, and sometimes he's just one of the gang.
  • Halloween Episode:
    • "Mickey's Treat" in Season 1.
    • "Mickey's Monster Musical" in Season 4.
  • Heel–Face Turn: When Pete is the episode's designated antagonist, rarely does he not end up undergoing this. Also Mega Mort/Mortimer Mouse in "Superhero Adventure."
    • Heel Realization: What usually brings Pete around is a realization about how wrong he was to do whatever it was he was doing, most likely followed by an apology in the exact words "I'm sorry I was so sneaky."
  • Hiccup Hijinks: The episode "Donald's Hiccups" involves the whole gang getting hiccups when trying to cure Donald's. They try various cures before their appearance on The Clarabelle Show.
  • Impact Silhouette: Clarabelle as a superhero crashes through Mickey's door in an episode.
  • Insistent Terminology: In "Doctor Daisy, MD (Medical Duck)" it's constantly mentioned that she's a pretend doctor trying to earn her pretend doctor sticker by pretending to treat her pretend patients.
    • Pete almost always refers to Mickey as "Mickey the Mouse", instead of "Mickey Mouse" or just plain "Mickey".
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: Donald Duck, for some people.'
  • Iris Out: One that's shaped like Mickey's head closes on Mickey after he bids farewell to the viewers at the end of every episode.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Donald and Pete.
  • Jump Rope Blunders: In "Minnie's Birthday", Donald Duck comes out with a jump rope to distract Minnie so that she won't discover her Surprise Party too early. He tries to jump with it, but then he trips over the rope and knocks over Minnie's basket of strawberries. Then he says they can jump together and ties her up in the rope to keep her from going too far.
  • Just for Pun: The "Sheep" episode, where Goofy cleans out his shoe, only for three horns to fall out of it. It's a shoehorn.
  • Ladyella: The episode "Minnie-rella".
  • Lampshade Hanging: Happens quite a bit on the show with stuff like Goofy not saying "Mousketools" correctly or Donald getting hit by a random object.
  • Lighter and Softer: In most of his incarnations, Pete is an outright villain or at the very least, a major Jerkass. Here, though, he's a genuinely nice guy, if a bit of an arrogant blowhard and regularly greedy and sneaky in stories, where he always ends up seeing the error of his ways and coming around anyway.
  • Long Runner: Ran from 2006 to 2016.
  • Magical Incantation: "To make the clubhouse appear, we get to say the magic words: Meeska! Mooska! Mickey Mouse!"
  • Mickey Mouse Can Breathe in Space: Done in "Donald's Big Balloon Race" and "Pluto's Bubble Bath". Batman was SO 1939...
  • Mickey Mousing: You can hear a slide whistle crescendo whenever the audience is asked to stand up.
  • Mythology Gag: The "Hot Dog" dance is a reference to Mickey's first spoken words in the 1929 cartoon "The Karnival Kid".
    • Heck, even the Magical Incantation for the clubhouse borrows from the original Mickey Mouse Club series' "Mousekartoon" segment, while the Toon Plane is straight out of the classic short, "Plane Crazy".
    • In the direct-to-video episode "Mickey's Monster Musical", Werewolf Pete's Transformation Sequence leaves him in his overalls with one suspender hanging — all he's lacking is a bent stovepipe hat to complete the Big Bad Wolf's outfit from "Three Little Pigs".
  • Retool: Like The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss, several changes have been done in this show to make Mickey Mouse more kid-friendly.
  • Nonstandard Character Design: Figaro's and Mr. Pettibone's designs are not exactly that nonstandard, but they look stiff and awkward compared to the other character's designs.
  • Not-So-Forgotten Birthday: The plot of "Minnie's Birthday" has Mickey and the gang try to keep Minnie busy long enough to set up her surprise birthday party, which causes her to think they forgot it.
  • Noodle Incident: In the unaired pilot "Space Suit", Donald and Pluto get stuck in the door entrance. And from Minnie's tone and the fact she asked if they got stuck again, this isn't the first time they did this
  • Once per Episode: Due to being a preschool show and all.
    • The Mousketools. The last tool is the "Mystery Mousketool" which can be helpful if none of the other tools work. It's usually the last tool used in the episode.
    • And let's not forget the Hot Dog Dance at the end.
  • Only Six Faces: Whenever the cast visits somewhere other than the Clubhouse's immediate surroundings, like outer space or Transylvania, they typically run into Space Mickey or the like rather than completely new characters.
    • Subverted in "Super Adventure," where Pete turns out to be The Dragon for a character with an entirely new model to the series, Mortimer Mouse, almost making Mort's appearance a Wham Shot.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Pete sometimes wears these.
  • Precious Puppies: Bella, Clarabelle's puppy.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: In one episode, when the clubhouse's "silly switch" gets jammed, causing everyone and everything to act all silly, Mickey is affected in that he can only speak in rhyme, practically against his will. This is even lampshaded:

    Mickey: I didn't know I could rhyme, but now I do it all the time!

  • Rubber-Forehead Aliens: Space Mickey et al usually just have antennae and slight color variations to distinguish them from the main cast.
  • Running Gag: Goofy's inability to pronounce the word "Mouseketools".
  • Save the Villain:
    • In "Donald's Big Balloon Race", Donald and Mickey rescue Pete from crashing into a tree for the sake of Mickey not wanting to go on just leaving him there.
    • In "Pluto's Best", Pluto saves Pete's bulldog Butch from drowning in the final event, granting them both the victory.
  • Say My Name/Incredibly Lame Pun: Several objects in the show have the word "mouse" glued onto their names, usually by way of the baleful syllable "ka". The most prominent example, "Mousekatools" is a play on words of "Mouseketeer", the title given to the real life kids who appeared on The Mickey Mouse Club. "Mouseketeer" is, of course, itself a play on "Musketeer".
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: In "Mickey's Camp Out", Donald has this kind of attitude when, after trying to set up a tent with Goofy, he decides to walk out on Mickey and company and camp alone.
  • Sequel Episode: The episode "Goofy Baby" has a similar plot in the later episode "Goofy Babysitter", but with the roles switched around; instead of Goofy transforming into a baby, Mickey and the others get transformed.
  • Shout-Out:
    • In the race episode, Pete finds the road blocked by a pile of rubber duckies. He exclaims "That's the third largest pile of rubber duckies I've ever seen!"
    • "Mickey's Monster Musical" Halloween special has plenty of nods to (of all things) The Rocky Horror Picture Show being an musical about Mickey and Minnie's car braking down next to a haunted castle with a mad scientist. The song "All you Need is Light" is a mix of "Science Fiction/Double Feature" and "There's A Light" and even the opening song is a refrence to "Dammit Jannet" only with Mickey asking Minnie to go on a picking with him instead of proposing. The majority of the episode is series of cartoon Universal Horror cliches so the "Rocky Picture Show" homage will go over kids' heads.
  • Silly Simian: Coco the Coconutty Monkey, Goofy's wacky monkey sidekick in the episode "Goofy's Coconutty Monkey".
  • Solve the Soup Cans: The way that the Mousekatools are used can be pretty bizarre. In one episode, Mickey has to put gumballs in a gas pump before he can fill up his car. In another, he has to put numbered blocks in the right order to unlock his front door.
  • Space Whale Aesop: Share with your friends, or you'll get carried off into the air by all the balloons you took. Even though Daisy spent the whole episode going "Wheeeeeeeeee!"
  • Spelling Song: The theme song features the singers spelling out "M-I-C-K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E" several times.
  • Spin-Off: Minnie's Bow-Toons; Mickey's Mousekercise
  • Stock Footage: The opening scenes, the Mousekadoer song, and the Hot Dog Dance. The first two stick out like a sore thumb in later episodes, where the audio for those segments was redone but the animation wasn't tweaked to fit the new audio, resulting in some serious lip-syncing issues in places.
  • Stock Scream: The show frequently makes use of the Goofy Holler... for obvious reasons.
  • Strictly Formula: Every episode goes as such: Mickey and the gang are at their own business, when something kicks in to set up the plot. Mickey goes to the Mousekedoer where the Mouseketools are loaded into Toodles. The gang works to solve the problem, using the Mouseketools in some parts which require them. When the problem is solved, they celebrate and do the Hot Dog Dance.
  • Surprise Party: "Minnie's Birthday" has Mickey and the others throwing a surprise Birthday Party for Minnie at the Clubhouse.
  • Thanking the Viewer:
    • "Aww, thanks for stopping by!"
    • Done during the Hot Dog Dance since Season 2; during the interruption, whoever was the main focus of the episode would thank the viewer for helping them on the adventure. For example, if Minnie is the focus, she would thank the viewer, Goofy would if he was the focus, and so on. It gets bizarre in episodes where Pluto was the focus.
  • Theme Tune Roll Call: "Roll call! Donald! (Present!) Daisy! (Here!) Goofy! (A-yuk, here!) Pluto! (Ruff, ruff!) Minnie! (Oh-ho-ho, here!) Mickey! (Right here!)"
  • ¡Three Amigos!: Mickey is often paired up with Minnie and either Goofy or Daisy.
  • Title Theme Tune: "It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Come inside, it's fun inside!"
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Clarabelle (Tomboy) and Daisy and Minnie (Girly Girls).
  • Token Human: Willie the Giant.
  • Tuxedo and Martini: Daisy Duck moonlights as a secret agent in a few episodes, which usually results in parody of the James Bond style of spies.
  • We Need a Distraction: In the episode "Minnie's Birthday", Mickey, Donald, Daisy, Goofy and Pluto are preparing a surprise birthday party for Minnie at the Clubhouse. When they see her coming, Mickey asks for distraction. First, Daisy stalls Minnie by asking her to go pick out all berries to put in the basket. Later, Donald stalls Minnie by trying to keep her busy with a jump rope.
  • White Gloves: EVERYWHERE. Mickey might as well be the trope namer.
  • Wrap-Up Song: Every episode ends with the "Hot Dog Song" and its dance.
  • "You Can Say That Again: But don't." Said word for word by Ludwig Von Drake in "Space Adventure".

Aww, thanks for stoppin' by!


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/MickeyMouseClubhouse

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